Gateways Support Services

Annual Report 2020-2021

Gateways Support Services is a community organisation making a difference in the lives of people with a disability, and their families. Gateways offer a range of programs and support assistance for people in the community requiring their services.

  • Graphic design principles utilised to visually depict the overall finished concept resulting in a memorable final product.

  • Strategically arranging the design elements with deliberate hierarchy - including text, images and financial information. Designed to communicate the required information in a visually appealing way and grab the users attention.


Working within brand guidelines I created a print and digital annual report designed for the support agency using bold colours and large images as the hero.

A big focus of the Annual Report was the inclusion of real participant and staff images. Bold colours were utilised to create a sense of fun and inclusion.

Utilising the recognisable curved shape from the Gateways logomark as a graphical element gave the layouts an accessible and friendly feel. This cropping allowed for unique abstract shapes to be made use of when showcasing imagery, areas of colour and the text layout.

Gateways requested to have a lot of their information online. This kept the printed annual report text and overall size to a snapshot. This was complimented with QR codes that when scanned sent the reader to their website for further information.


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